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jfr设计 | 黑桃k ktv vip区 -澳门皇冠游戏网址

11062 2020-11-02t10:55:25 10
jfr设计 | 黑桃k ktv vip区说明:

项目名称:黑桃k ktv vip区


主要材料: 大理石、砖、艺术漆、木饰面、不锈钢、烤漆铝板、金属马赛克

project name: spades ktv – vip zone

category: entertainment space

construction materials: marble, brick, art paint, wood veneer, stainless steel, painted aluminum plate, metal mosaic



黑桃k ktv位于南昌繁华商业地段,jfr studio在2017年为黑桃k ktv提供了整体空间设计及策划,是当地非常热门的一家集音乐、派对集会和美食于一体的综合性娱乐场所,常年位居娱乐类排行榜首位。本次jfr的设计师精心设计打造的vip区,旨在提升黑桃k的品牌形象,为当地客户打造高端音乐派对空间,全新娱乐轰趴体验场所。

spades ktv is located in the cbd of nanchang. back in 2017, jfr studio was responsible for its overall space design and planning. as an all-purpose entertainment venue that integrates music, parties, and catering, spades ktv enjoys wide popularity among local customers. this time, jfr designers are entrusted to design its vip zone, as an approach to enhancing the brand image of spades ktv as a whole. the vip zone is expected to become a high-end music party space, as well as a venue that delivers a brand new entertainment experience.


a freehand abstract style is highlighted in design. seemingly a space composed of simple geometric figures and lines, it is actually a multi-layered artwork. each section is given a unique tonality that offers a distinctive sensory experience.


for construction materials, marble and art bricks are selected to match with dazzling linear lighting and metal plates such as painted aluminum plates. with the decoration of wood veneer and metal mosaic, the space extends the boundaries of traditional logical thinking, giving birth to a novel and unique style.


creative and diverse, themed private rooms come in line with the luxury atmosphere of the vip area, as well as the young and fashionable vibes in the entire ktv. the collision between programmed lighting and varied materials produces a unique decorative effect. coupled with custom-made furniture and ornaments, the whole space is added uniqueness in design and style.

jfr studio的设计师通过空间和材料的合理搭配,将立体主义和超现实主义融合到黑桃k ktv vip区中,形成一种空间与氛围的冲撞。使人们用音乐和娱乐与空间对话,为大家演绎了高端文化交流场所的应有形态,用碰撞引发的花火奉上独特的娱乐态度,成为南昌地区的独特的时尚风景线、娱乐新地标。

by blending the space and materials in a rational way, the designers of jfr studio have injected cubism and surrealism into the vip area of spades ktv, leading to a sharp contrast between the space and the atmosphere. it encourages customers to communicate with the space through music and fun – a typical function of high-end cultural exchange places. with such contrast demonstrating a unique entertainment attitude, spades ktv is increasingly regarded a fashion and entertainment landmark in nanchang.

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